At the July 13, 2023 Board meeting, the Board certified the election results of the Police Officer and Firefighter Trustee election and authorize a runoff election for the Firefighter Trustee position between Armando Garza and Matthew Shomer. Michael Taglienti was elected as the Police Officer Trustee with a term from September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2026. We congratulate Mr. Taglienti and look forward to working with him. Additionally, we would like to thank Kenneth Haben for his service as the Police Trustee on the DPFP Board and appreciate all his efforts during his term.
The voting packets for the Firefighter Trustee runoff election were mailed on July 19th to active members’ home addresses or emailed to active members who have elected eCorrespondence. Voting for the Firefighter Trustee runoff election began at 8 a.m. on Thursday, July 20th and voting ends at noon on Tuesday, August 1st. Only active Firefighter members are eligible to vote in the Firefighter Trustee runoff election. More information can be found here regarding the Firefighter trustee candidates.
The election is being conducted for DPFP by YesElections, an independent firm that specializes in such elections. DPFP has no access to the counting of votes and receives all final reporting from YesElections. For assistance with the voting process, contact YesElections at (866) 384-9978 or
Ballots will be tallied by YesElections and posted on Thursday, August 3rd. Election results will be certified by the DPFP Board of Trustees at the Regular Board Meeting on August 10, 2023. New Trustee terms will run for three years and begin on September 1, 2023.