General FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

We Are Here to Help
We do our best to provide clear, understandable information to you. Read below for answers to basic questions regarding your pension benefits. If you have additional questions, please call us, and ask for a Retirement Counselor. Our Retirement Counselors are trained to answer all your pension questions. Call 214.638.3863 or 1.800.638.3861. Call your Department resources for information other than pension benefits.

Questions are divided into the following:

All Members

When are Retirement Counselors available?

Pension System Retirement Counselors are available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Appointments are available Monday through Thursday. Please arrange for an appointment at these numbers, call 214.638.3863 or 1.800.638.3861 or email to

Where is the Pension System office located?

View our location maps and photos, or call our receptionist for detailed instructions at 214.638.3863 or 1.800.638.3861.

Do I need an appointment to see a Retirement Counselor?

Requests to discuss future retirement, complete retirement paperwork, or join DROP must have scheduled appointments. Walk-ins are accepted, but may have to wait for a Retirement Counselor to become available.

Do I need to bring my Spouse to meet with the Retirement Counselor?

No, but you are welcome to bring your Spouse. We find that many who are contemplating DROP or retirement want to bring their Spouses.

What if I have other concerns, such as divorce, handicapped children, remarriage, disability, or others?

Our Retirement Counselors will discuss any additional requirements relating to the above concerns or items with you.

How do I update my address?

For security reasons, Retirees must submit a Change of Address Form to the Pension Office. Active members must submit address changes to the City of Dallas. The Pension Office cannot accept any address changes for Active members.

Who is eligible for a survivor benefit upon the death of the member?

Only Qualified Survivors are eligible for a monthly survivor benefit. A Qualified Surviving Spouse is defined as a Spouse the member was married to as of the date he or she leaves active service until the date of his or her death. If you married after you retired, then your Spouse is not eligible for survivor benefits, unless you purchase a SWAR (see FAQs about SWAR).

A Qualified Surviving Child is defined as a child under the age of 19 who was conceived, born, or legally adopted prior to the member leaving active service. A Special Needs Child may also be entitled to a survivor benefit. Contact a Retirement Counselor regarding eligibility.

If there are no Qualified Survivors, a Dependent Parent may be eligible for a survivor benefit. Contact a Retirement Counselor regarding eligibility.

How can I take money out of my DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Plan) account?

Effective with HB 3158, a member’s DROP balance will be annuitized over the member’s life expectancy upon retirement.

In the case of a Hardship (Unforeseeable Emergency), please refer to the following link.



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Active Members

How is my Pension Benefit calculated?

Contact a Retirement Counselor to discuss how your benefit is calculated.

How do I join DROP?

You can only join DROP the first day of a month. Schedule an appointment with a Retirement Counselor 45-60 days prior to the month you wish to join DROP. A DROP application will be completed with your Counselor and the following documents will be required:

  • Birth Certificates and Social Security Cards for self, Spouse, and children under 19
  • Marriage License
  • Divorce Decree (if applicable)

How do I retire?

Schedule an appointment with a Retirement Counselor 45–60 days prior to your retirement date. A retirement application will be completed with your Counselor and the following documents will be required:

  • Birth Certificates and Social Security Cards for self, Spouse, and children under 19
  • Marriage License
  • Divorce Decree (if applicable)
  • Voided check (to set up direct deposit)
  • Retirement Acceptance Letter from Department

If you submit documentation before the Document Due Date, found HERE, your information will go to the Board of Trustees the following month. After Board approval, you will receive a payment at the END of that month. Direct deposits are received the last business day of each month.

Do I need to attend a PREP meeting (Pre-Retirement Education Program) before I leave the Department?

We encourage you to attend at least one class the year you are planning to leave Active Service. Spouses are also invited. You may attend more than one class. Many educational webinars which cover topics from the PREP class can be found in our Education page. Click HERE to watch the Retirement Process with DPFP webinar. 


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Retired Members

Will my pension benefit be direct deposited into my bank account?

Yes. An Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposit will be completed during your retirement appointment.

How do I change my direct deposit?

Complete an Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposit and attach a voided check to the form. Send the document to the Pension Office. Click here for the Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposit form. This form is due by the 15th of the month, in order to affect your current end-of-the-month payment.

How do I change my income tax withholdings?

Complete a W4-P, Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments, and send to the Pension Office. Click here for the W4-P.  You can also fill this out electronically by clicking here, but will need to know your username and password to your WMS account to submit the form. This form is due by the 15th of the month, in order to affect your current end-of-the-month payment. 

How can I obtain a copy of my 1099R from a previous year?

You may print a 1099R by signing in to Web Member Services. Sign up here. If you have questions, please call the Pension Office.

What deductions can the Pension System office take from my pension payments?

You can authorize the Pension System to make deductions for taxes. Complete the IRS Form W4-P, and mail it to the Pension System office. The Pension System will make deductions for health insurance only as directed by the City. For health insurance questions, contact the Benefit Service Center, 214-671-6947, option #1. For all other deductions, you must complete the Authorized Agreement for Deductions. This form is due by the 15th of the month, in order to affect your current end-of-the-month payment.

The Social Security Administration says they need a statement from you concerning eligibility. Do you provide that service?

Yes. We have a standard form letter that states your first eligible date to retire, your actual retirement date, your monthly benefit, and a statement that this benefit is for life. You can generate your own letter by logging into your WMS account here. Click "My Account". Then click link for "Documents".

I am currently married and retired. If I divorce and remarry, will my benefits stop?

No. You receive this benefit for life. In the event that you remarry, your new Spouse will not be eligible to receive any of your benefits at your death, unless you purchase them through the SWAR (Spouse Wed After Retirement) Option.

I am the surviving Spouse of a retired Police Officer or Firefighter. If I remarry, will my benefits stop?

No. You receive this benefit for life. However, your new Spouse will not be eligible to receive any of your benefits at your death.

If my Child is receiving a survivor benefit, what happens when he or she reaches age 19?

When a Child turns age 19 or marries, his or her monthly benefit stops. If you have more than one Child(ren), the money is shared equally with the remaining Child(ren) under age 19.

What happens when a member or survivor dies? What needs to happen?

Contact the Pension System office as soon as possible at 214.638.3863 or 1.800.638.3861, and ask for a Retirement Counselor. We will provide you with all the necessary forms and information.

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